This Week In Brooklin History

110 years ago this week
October 21, 1887
Mr. Hault leaves town

From the October 21, 1887 Whitby Chronicle:


Messrs. Ralph Robinson and Bert Manning have been at home during the week.

Mr. Geo. Holliday, who has been quite ill for about three weeks, was able to recommence his mental labor at the Collegiate on Monday last.

The executive committee of the Brooklin branch of the Bible Society met at Mr. Camplin’s residence on Friday evening last, for the purpose of transacting business in connection with the annual meetings, which will be reported next week.

The Salvation Army banquet and jubilee was a great success. The receipts at the baquet were $135, and at all the meetings on Saturday and Sunday the barracks was crowded to the doors. Among the officers present were Capt. Morris, D. O., Adjt. Lewis, Capt. Fisher, and a number of others.

Mr. John Robson has lately purchased a 50 horse-power engine from the Osborne Killey Manufacturing Co., Hamilton. He intends putting it in his mill to run it at a certain season when the water power is insufficient.

Mr. C. Redman is making some improvements in his shop by putting in new front windows etc. He has a fine stock of furniture on hand and parties contemplating house-keeping would do well to give him a call. We would invite the fighting Ed. to take a drive out that way.

We are sorry to hear that Dr. Cuthbertson is soon to leave us. During his two and a half years practice in this part he has gained the confidence of a great many. His ability as an M. D., is unquestionable. We wish him success in his new sphere.

The farewell reception given Mr. and Mrs. W. Hault on the eve of their departure for Ingersoll, was a pleasant affair, supper was served in the Masonic Hall to a large number of friends, after which Mr. Jno. Spence was called to the chair and a programme of speeches and singing was given. All the speakers expressed great regret at the departure of Mr. and Mrs. Hault and wished them abundant success in their new home. Mr. H. has been a resident of Brooklin for thirty-one years and in that time has won for himself hosts of friends by his honesty and uprightness in all the walks of life.

The members of Brooklin council, R. T. of T. are making big preparations for the series of Gospel Temperance meetings which commences on Sunday evening in the Methodist church. On that evening the Rev. S. O. Philp will address the meeting on “The Temperance Question in its relation to Politics.” Rev. A. M. McClelland of Ashburn will also be present but I have not heard the subject of his remarks. A large company of singers have been preparing a number of Gospel hymns for some weeks and these will be sung at intervals through the service. On Monday evening the meetings will be continued in the Masonic Hall. A good programme of music and speaking has been prepared. A very interesting time is expected at these meetings and I hope that much good will result from them.

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