This Week In Brooklin History

110 years ago this week
February 17, 1888
Now 5 people with Diphtheria

From the February 17, 1888 Whitby Chronicle:


Don’t forget the carnival on Friday night. The ice will be good and crowds of people are coming.

Mr. T. J. Holliday is attending the Grand Lodge in Toronto as representative for the R. T. of T.

Mr. D. Holliday is attending the Grand Lodge of the A. O. U. W. which is being held in Hamilton this week.

We are pleased to learn that Dr. Starr is sufficiently recovered from his recent illness to resume the practice of his profession.

“Little Florence” is to assist in the singing during the special meetings held here by Mr. Barker, which are to begin Monday evening next at 7:30.

Miss Lilie Campbell left for Rochester N.Y. on Monday morning. She will be absent for several months and will be much missed by the young people, whom she has many friends.

Mrs. Bennes of Toronto, but formerly of this place, has been visiting friends here for several days. She has sold her house and lot on Geroge St. Mr. George Colley is the purchaser.

Two more of Wells’ family are down with diphtheria. Bert is slightly better but his two younger brothers are said to be in a critical state. Mr. A. M. Delong has two children down with the same disease.

The choir of the Methodist church, Whitby will give an entertainment in the church here on Thursday evening, Feb. 23rd. Mr. A. G. Henderson and county attorney Farewell will also assist in the programme. At the close of the entertainment oysters will be served in the basement. The bills announce that Whitby is to give and Brooklin take. If this is carried through to the letter there is no doubt but that the Brooklinites will turn out strong as they can take oysters with the next.

The pupils of our school have a literary every Friday from 3 to 4. Part of the entertainment consists in electing a chairman and managing committee. Open vote is preferred to the ballot. Some voters are most enthusiastic and are fain to vote more than once in their zeal to elect their choice.

Last Friday Mr. Blair Ketchen filled the chair in a very able manner and delivered a most delectable speech. Several very choice readings and recitations interspersed with delightful singing and a mouth-organ solo constituted the programme. For next Friday Miss Victoria Warren has been chosen to fill the chair. The personell of the committee is a sufficient statement of the treat in store. The parents and friends are invited to visit the school.

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