Search - Brooklin, Ontario, Canada on the Web

This Week In Brooklin History

Now following the events of 1892:

This Week in Brooklin History has been on hiatus for awhile, but the index of back issues is still available with about 60 previous weeks.

Brooklin maps

You can find the most up-to-date village map on the Downtown Brooklin site. This map uses PDF format so you can zoom in, print it any size, etc. A slightly older map in regular web page format is also still available on this site.

Links updated

All links on this page were checked and updated June 24, 2005. If you know of anything I'm missing, let me know.


A selection of biographies of former Brooklin residents (transcriptions courtesy of Whitby Archives).

Local news headlines

Brooklin and Area Web Links:

The following are all the links I have found to pages with useful content relevant to Brooklin. If you know of a page that should be added, let me know:

Page design by Neil Wick. Please send comments to

Last update: Friday, February 25